
Most Retail Workers Feel Unsafe: Survey

Fear appears to be stalking many retail aisles/checkout stations. Eighty percent of store workers responding to a recent survey by Theatro say they are scared every day as they clock in for work, and 72% have experienced incidents in which staff couldn’t respond to a threat because their store was understaffed.

In addition, in the face of such staffing shortages, retailers are facing a potential mass exodus from workers over these safety and staffing concerns, the survey found. Along with escalating risks as employees contemplate legal action over safety issues, this trend will rise further if left unaddressed. Nearly three-quarters (73%) of retail workers taking part in the survey are considering leaving their jobs, and 64% would consider suing their employer over a store crime incident.

“Ensuring employees feel safe, valued and protected is not just a moral obligation; it’s a business imperative that drives customer satisfaction and loyalty,” said Chris Todd, CEO of Theatro, which provides a mobile communication platform for such workers. “Now is the time for retailers to prioritize training, communicate proactively and audit communication solutions and processes, knowing that an investment in worker safety is an investment in the organization’s long-term success.”

The 2024 Retail Worker Safety Survey was conducted for Theatro by the third-party platform Pollfish. The effort involved asking 600 in-store retail workers aged 18-plus in the top 15 metropolitan areas across the United States about their experiences on the job.

Click here for more from the survey.

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