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Winding Staircase Claims the Spotlight at Luxury Watch Retailer’s New Store

A clean, contemporary aesthetic was designed with the clientele in mind




ZIMSON WATCHES’ LATEST Bengaluru locale is centered on a bold and sophisticated design, implemented by FRDC, aiming to match the characteristics of the retailer’s clientele.

Upon entering, shoppers are transported from the bustling outside world to the clean and contemporary look within, beginning with an LED sign, drawing attention from the street. Just beyond an elegant, winding staircase in a muted gold color, Zimson’s watches are on display, housed in wooden display cases, backlit with warm-toned lighting. Surrounded by gray ceilings and floors, the wood in the fixtures helps extenuate the product.

Luxury brands, such as Gucci, are housed on the ground floor, and the second floor offers high-end premium brands. Both areas offer tailored cashwrap stations to fit the needs of their respective clients.

📷: Ravi Asrani, Bengaluru


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