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Our Purpose: We empower, educate, and connect the members of SHOP! and its community to elevate and advocate for equality, professional development, and to strengthen the leadership capabilities of women in our industry.

Our Vision: Our Shop! Women’s League members realize their full potential and achieve their aspirations. They are celebrated as capable and effective contributors and leaders in their organizations, in the SHOP! Association, and the industry at large.

Our Mission: Creating a welcoming community by supporting and advocating for women’s equality in the retail industry through networking, professional development, educational programs, mentoring, and volunteer opportunities.

Key Strategy: Membership

  • Increase the value proposition of SHOP! Women’s League membership through the creation of content, programs, and connections that benefit the SHOP! community.
  • Create a membership campaign that leverages current and former WL members, and SHOP! Assoc. members to rebuild our base membership and exec committee.

Key Strategy: Empowerment- Education and Mentoring

  • Build a strategic network internally and externally to become trusted experts on empowering, educating, and mentoring women in our industry.
  • Implement career building educational programs and publications.
  • Implement Mentoring program/activities.

Key Strategy: Advocacy

  • Influence organizational/industry policies and practices in support of women’s issues.
  • Recognize and celebrate Women member’s achievements and contributions.
  • Support Women members during career transition.

Action Plan

  • Create alliances with other industry organizations to leverage membership outreach and program offerings.
  • As the thought-leader, proactively and periodically meet/interview current and past members to gain insights into needs/interests and to ask for referrals.
  • Set up quarterly networking events.
  • Define what membership means for both regular and exec committee members.
  • Update our Women’s League page and social media.
  • Work with SHOP! to create a 2nd tier of Women’s League volunteers working with WL Exec. Committee Leads for key initiatives.

Action Plan

  • Determine key topics on an annual basis
  • Schedule key dates for speakers/panels
  • Publish thought provoking articles in SHOP! Women’s League portal, social media, and industry publications.
  • Recommend/Plan Women’s League events in conjunction with designated association events that support the mission and drive engagement for women working in the industry.
  • Mentoring Program- Explore potential to springboard our program from “The Mentorship Project” for Screen Printing Magazine and/or partner with other programs out there.
  • Explore Peer Mentoring within SHOP!

Action Plan

  • Gather nominations and make selections for recipients of the Shop! Women of Distinction Award.
  • Research and share data/case-studies that illustrate the positive ROI for organizations that support women’s issues. SHOP! Portal/social media, and industry publications.
  • Partner with SHOP! and other industry alliances to create a job board for our members.

Questions? Email or call 212-981-0245.