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Members Only Reports

As a member of Shop! you can take advantage of an array of research reports, white papers, webinars, and studies designed to keep you current with events and trends in our ever-changing industry. These research tools can help you make better, more informed decisions, advance your career, build your brand and build your business.

Insights and reports include:

  • Retail Trends
  • Consumer and Shopper Behavior
  • In-store Marketing and Shopper Activation
  • In-store Technology
  • Retail and Environmental Design
  • Merchandising and Installation
  • Production
  • Materials
  • Supply Chain
  • Economic Insights
  • Sustainability Reports
  • Research Reports
  • And More

To view Crittenden reports, ITR Economics sheets, Shop! white papers, and more, log into your Shop! Central account. Downloadable reports are available under the Groups for Shop Central or Business Support & Resources — select the Resources tab shown in the screenshot below.

You can view a sample report here.

Questions? Email or call 212-981-0245.