Ray Burke, E.W. Kelley Professor at Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business, explores how a retail environment translates consumer demand...
Angela Gearhart, Founding Partner at MediaMaxx and Executive Practice Director at AAG Consulting Group, shares a step-by-step approach to solving the customer journey challenge, offering a...
Quinine Founder and Rethink Retail Expert Ian Johnston unpacks the behavioral science behind store design and explores new measures that go beyond traditional metrics
Associate Professor of Interior Design at The Ohio State University Rebekah Matheny explores why retailers have an important role in creating a sustainable future through “slow...
VMSD New York Editor and President of Embrace Design Eric Feigenbaum discusses the importance of knowing your “why”
IN THIS SHOP! MASTERCLASS webinar, Ken Nisch, author of “Sustainability for Retail: How Retail Leaders Create Environmental, Social, & Cultural Innovations,” discusses the evolving sustainability practices...
This MasterClass will touch on a number of facets relating to retail sustainability
Creating Unexpected Moments That Inspire, Educate, and Connect at Retail
The first edition of our roundtable discussion series is now available
Join Shop! as Christina Tayman, Principal Architect at Jencen Architecture discusses the nuances and challenges for ADA compliance in the retail environment. In this webinar, you...