Outstanding Merchandising Achievement Awards
The 2023 Shop! Outstanding Merchandising Achievement (OMA) Awards, now in their 65th year, are the Marketing at Retail Industry’s most prestigious, largest and longest-running awards contest. It recognizes and honors excellent displays that set the merchandising and design precedents of today to become the standards of tomorrow.
Any form of marketing at retail may be entered. Entries need to have been placed in an at-retail location between Jan. 1, 2023 and Dec. 31, 2023. Minimum runs for each division are listed below.
- Permanent — 25 displays
- Temporary — 50 displays
- Bronze-, silver- or gold-winning entries from any previous OMA contest
- A display with a minimum run less than allowed by division
- Samples, models, or test units
- A display that is already entered in another category — i.e. entries may not enter a display in more than one category
- A display that is already entered by another company — i.e. entries may not be entered by different companies at the same time
If, for any reason, such entries exist, these entries will be disqualified, and no refunds will be given.
The OMA contest is open to all producers, suppliers and purchasers of point-of-purchase materials, consumer products and services companies and retailers. This includes Shop! members and non-members in North America and overseas.
Some entries are collaborations between two companies. Those entries are entered as “co-entries.” Each of the two companies will be listed on the entry form. Each company will receive an award if its entry wins. Additional fee per display for a co-entry is $215.
To receive the discounted Shop! member pricing, your membership must be up to date and paid, or the non-member rates will be invoiced. If you’re interested in becoming a member or need to check your status contact info@shopassociation.org.
Entry Deadline
11:59 P.M. EST Feb. 2, 2024
On-site Entry Setup
Monday, April 8, 2024
On-site Judging
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
Awards Celebration
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
Thursday, April 11, 2024
Shop! MarketPlace, Duke Energy Center, Cincinnati, OH
Fees help cover the costs of contest software, publicity, awards statuettes and more. Entry fees will not be refunded if displays are disqualified at any stage of the judging process.
All fees must be paid before Feb. 2, 2024. If you are interested in exhibiting at Shop! Marketplace, please visit shop-marketplace.com.
Regular Entry
Shop! Member Exhibiting: $750/entry
Shop! Member: $949/entry
Non-member: $1,449/entry
Other Fees
Co-Entry Fee: $215/entry
110V Electric at Shop! MarketPlace: $250/entry
220V Electrical at Shop! MarketPlace: $330/entry
Extra 8 square feet of exhibit space at MarketPlace (above 16 square feet): $480
Extra 16 square feet of exhibit space at MarketPlace (above 16 square feet): $960 (More than 32 square feet? Email omaawards@shopassociation.org).
Tall Displays & Signs Hanging from Ceiling
If your display is more than 8 feet tall or requires a sign to hang from the ceiling, contact omaawards@shopassociation.org. Height and ceiling hangings are governed by the Duke Energy Center. Unusually tall displays and those requiring ceiling hangings may not be allowed or may incur additional fees from the center or decorating company.
Trash Fee: $215/entry
(This will be applied if you are not shipping your entry back to your company and/or not donating the product on your display.)
Requests made on-site during setup: $225/request
(If you do not note electrical, trash, space in your entry form and need the aforementioned, you will be charged per request in addition to the fees above.)
Entry fees will not be refunded if display is disqualified at any stage of the judging process. No refunds will be given for displays that do not make it to the show floor due to issues beyond Shop!’s control. Entrants are solely responsible for ensuring their entry makes it to and is set up on the display floor by judging time at MarketPlace.
Grounds for Disqualification
- Entrant and/or co-entrant company name mentioned in the writeup, or in submitted photos/video for judges to see during the judging processes.
- Persuading judges in any way
- Entry not paid for by Feb. 2, 2024
- Conducting business in the OMA area during Market-Place hours
- Division — Signifies whether an entry is permanent or temporary.
- Permanent — displays intended length of use is more than six months
- Temporary — displays intended length of use is six months or less
- Marshals – Persons responsible for one to three category areas on the OMA Awards Area for set-up day.
- Exhibitor – A company that purchases booth space within the MarketPlace show.
Nov. 1, 2023 is the first day to submit your entry. It is not necessary to wait until all your submissions are ready; you may complete a single entry or submit in batches. Entries must be complete and paid for by
A complete entry includes the following:
- Full payment by credit card or PayPal only
- Completed online entry form
- Answers to the case history questions
- Entry footprint dimensions
- Three required images
- Entries must fit within a floor area 4 feet wide by 4 feet deep (16 square feet). Additional space up to a maximum total of 32 square feet may be purchased on the entry form at time of entry. (More than 32 square feet? Email omaawards@shopassociation.org)
After your entries are completed and submitted, changes cannot be made after the submission deadline unless Shop!, the OMA committee and/or judges see fit.
- Athletic
- Beverages — Beer
- Beverages — Wine and Liquor
- Books, Stationery and Office
- Carbonated Drinks
- Cosmetics and Fragrances
- Entertainment, Games and Toys
- Food
- General Merchandise
- Hair Care and Skin Care
- Health Care
- Home and Garden
- Personal Electronics and Software
- Snack Products
- Digital Interactive
- Signage & Window Displays
Retail-Based Categories
- Convenience Store — Retailer
- Club Store — Retailer
- Drug Store — Retailer
- Mass Merchandise — Retailer
- Specialty Retailers and Services
- Supermarket — Retailer
- Company name
- Contact name
- Contact email
- Contact phone
- Company address
- Company logo
- A minimum of two photos and maximum of five. One must represent the display only; one must show it in a retail setting. NOTE: A photo or video that shows your company name is grounds for disqualification.
- An optional (but strongly encouraged) 30-45-second video that presents a 360-degree view of your display. NOTE: Videos should have no sound and must not reveal your company name.
- Name of person accepting the award on April 10, 2024 at Shop! MarketPlace in Cincinnati, OH
- Country of production
- Country of placement
- Co-entry company (if applicable)
- Client company name
- Client company contact name (should Shop! need to verify any details)
- Client company address
- Client email
- Production run quantity
- Life expectancy
- Electricity – whether you will need 110V or 220V electricty for your display
- Unit cost
- Dimensions and placement
- Footprint — those more than 16 square feet and under 32 square feet require additional charges. (Maximum of 32 square feet.)
- Disposal fee — you must choose this option if you are not shipping your display back from MarketPlace.
- Project Goal — 250 words maximum.
- Project Execution — 250 words maximum.
- Project Results — 250 words maximum.
- Fact card objective — this will appear on the fact card with your display after judging has finished and may include your company name. 250 words maximum.
- Entrant company website
- Sales contact name and contact info (for Fact Card)
- Setup day contact name
- Setup day contact mobile phone number
- Consent form
- Code of conduct
The OMA competition Case History questions allow the entrant to focus on what they feel are the most unique and informative for the judges. Each question has a 250-word limit.
- Project Goal: What was the objective?
The judges want to understand the assignment, the objective and the target for the display. - Project Execution: What did you do?
The judges want to understand the strategic thinking, the creative process, the engineering and the manufacturing processes. - Project Results: How did it do?
The judges want to understand compliance, sales results and overall success for the display.
This is the information shown by your display on the OMA floor at Shop! MarketPlace. The objective has a 250-word limit.
- Objective – may not include company name, or your display will be disqualified.
- Sales contact name, address, phone number, email address and company website. This will be added to the Fact Card after judging has been finalized.
Two images are required; however, you may submit up to five. The images should depict the entire entry. Since images are used during the judging of Shop!’s OMA contest, it is advantageous to use high-quality color digital images: 300 dpi and 4” x 6” minimum in dimensions. Acceptable file types: .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .svg, .tif, .tiff
Do not include the producer name in the naming of the images or in the images themselves.
The use of photo-realistic renderings is allowable, provided that they are produced with professional-quality 3D rendering software. Shop! reserves the right to reject any image that does not meet acceptable standards.
The first image should represent the display only and showcase the display in its best most typical fashion. This will be the image used at the awards celebration and all other promotional activities.
The second image should represent the unit in the retail environment where it may generally be placed. This is a mandatory requirement.
The third and additional images should depict the display’s versatility, multiple uses in various environments or special features.
Entries will be considered incomplete if they do not contain three images.
Shop! reserves the right to reject any image that does not meet acceptable standards.
You are strongly encouraged to submit a 45-second video showing a unique 360-degree of your display. Videos should have no sound. Please adhere to the following video guidelines:
- The video should be a 360-degree recording of the display so judges can see all aspects of the entry in a 3D simulation.
- Pay attention to the lighting so all aspects of the display are easily seen by the judges.
- The video should have no audio as we will be adding music to those winning submissions for the awards
presentation. - The video should be no shorter than 30 seconds, and no longer than 45 seconds.
- Keep the camera steady during the entire recording.
- Pay attention to the environment around the display: a clean submission free of environmental clutter and distraction.
- Pay attention to the distance between the camera and the display, so the viewer is not too close or too far away for best viewing
- If you have any questions or need further direction, contact Shop! staff at omaawards@shopassociation.org.
Displays cannot be set up on the show floor unless an entrant has paid in full. Setup and teardown are the full responsibility of the entrant, not Shop!. You must comply with safety, fire and health ordinances regarding installation and operation of equipment.
If an entrant is unavailable for setup and teardown they may contact Freeman Decorating at (888) 508-5054 for these services.
Setup: April 8, 2024
- Displays will be setup in their specific category area, instructions given by Shop! staff, marshals and Freeman. Each category area will have designated marshals who will help determine the specific location. There may be minor changes made at the discretion of the area marshal due to space considerations.
- Setup of all entries must be completed by 5 p.m. on March 24, 2023 for the display to be judged. Any displays not set up by this time will be disqualified, and no refund will be given.
Teardown: April 11, 2024
- Teardown can start as soon as the MarketPlace floor closes and not before. Please make sure you accurately report if you are trashing your display, donating product, etc. There are additional fees if you fail to report inaccurately and need additional services the day of.
- Empty crates, boxes and pallets will be brought in as quickly as possible. However, this process can take a few hours. Please make your travel plans accordingly. Freeman Decorating is available to breakdown your entry if needed.
You may ship your entry or entries to the Duke Energy Events Center a number of different ways, including advance warehouse shipping (Freeman) or direct-to-dock delivery. Detailed shipping instructions will be posted on shopawards.org/oma closer to the show.
Do not pack or ship entries until you receive your Shop! Shipping Kit, which will contain complete shipping information. Shipping kits and preliminary floor plans will be available in mid-March.
The awards area is designed for the purpose of judging and displaying the contest entries. The area is NOT to be used by employees or representatives of contest entrants for solicitation or promotion. Any entrant whose company, employees or representatives are observed using Shop!’s awards area for promotional or solicitation activities are in violation of contest rules and regulations. The entrant’s display(s) will be removed from the show floor and disqualified from the contest without refund.
Individualized entrant-supplied corporate identifying labels, signs, emblems and stickers are not to be affixed to any entry while on display in the awards area. Entries with such identifying marks will be removed and disqualified, and fees will not be refunded. Shop! will provide you with a uniform identifying Fact Card during setup.
All entrants are responsible for the security of their entries and products. Plan to protect your property throughout the show, especially through the tear down period of the entry’s outbound shipment from the exhibit hall. Do not give or ‘trade’ displays or products unless you first procure and sign a release form from the show management office to sign over the displays or products.
All property shipped to or from the exhibit is at the sole risk of the entrant. Each entrant shall obtain insurance on their own behalf, as they deem necessary, to protect against loss or damage. You must agree to indemnify Shop! against and hold it harmless from any liability whatsoever resulting from participation in the exhibit by the entrant or any person thereon with the consent of the entrant, whether or not caused by the negligence or fault of Shop! or any of its agents. Shop! urges contest entrants to use ‘dummy’ product on displays.
While guards will be on the premises and every reasonable precaution will be taken to protect persons and property during installation, exhibit period and removal, neither the association, management, service contractors, the management of the exhibit facility nor any of the officers, staff, members or directors of any of the same are responsible for loss or damage to an entrant’s property through theft, fire, accident or any other cause or for any injury that might occur to show visitors, entrants or their agents, employees, or others.
All competition entries are set up and displayed at MarketPlace. Having an entry in the competition permits access to the trade show floor during setup and teardown days of the trade show. Access to the trade show floor, however, during show days is regulated by MarketPlace admission policies and procedures. To register for admission into MarketPlace, visit shop-marketplace.com. Participation in the OMA contest does not include admission to MarketPlace during show days.
There are two judging phases; one online reviewing written entries and photos/videos, and one in person in the MarketPlace OMA area. The latter will be used to confirm scores, notes and that the display resembles the electronic submissions.
Shop! employs a 10-point category scoring scale with a total of 100 possible points.
The judges will review the answers to the case history questions, then view the entries on-site, to choose their final score. The Case History questions are as follows:
- Project Goal: What was the objective?
The judges want to understand the assignment, the objective, and the target for the display. - Project Execution: What did you do?
The judges want to understand the strategic thinking, creative process, engineering and manufacturing processes. - Project Results: How did it do?
The judges want to understand compliance, sales results and overall success of the display.
Gold, silver and bronze winners are awarded in each category according to each division (permanent and temporary) based on the following requirements:
- They must meet the minimum average score requirement for gold, bilver and bronze:
- 60 points minimum for bronze
- 70 points minimum for silver
- 80 points minimum for gold
- Each category/division can award up to one gold, one silver and two bronze. In cases where there are multiple entries scoring above the minimum the highest score will receive the award and the next highest score will receive the next highest award available. For example, if three displays score 92, 88 and 82, the 92 will receive a gold, the 88 a silver and the 82 a bronze, even though all were eligible for gold.
While the composite scoring system can award up to one gold, one silver and two bronze, that does not guarantee that all categories/divisions will have the maximum number of award winners. In some cases, there may not be a gold, or even any awards in a category, if the scoring does not meet the minimum standards.
This award is the most prestigious award of the OMAs and the highest recognition in the in-store marketing industry. One Display of the Year Award is presented in each division (permanent and temporary) and they are chosen from the gold award winners.
All winners are announced at the Shop! Awards Celebration on April 10, 2024 at Shop MarketPlace in Cincinnati, OH. A list of winners will be published on shopassociation.org and shopawards.org the following day. An online gallery at shopawards.org will be promoted shortly thereafter, and winners may be featured in VMSD magazine.
Trophies are all shipped directly to the winners six to eight weeks following MarketPlace.
Winners are presented with two trophies, one with the entrant’s name first; one with the client’s name first. Winning entries with a Co-Entrant receive a third trophy, with the Co-Entrant’s company name first.
Yes! You may order duplicate trophies AFTER you have received your trophies. Duplicate trophies cost $250 plus shipping and may be ordered directly from the trophy supplier’s website: societyawards.com/shopassociation.
Should you wish to order additional trophies, you may do so after winners have been announced at a cost of $235 each directly from the website of Society Awards: https://societyawards.com/shopassociation/
Shop! does not make individual scores available.
For specific questions about the OMAs, contact omaawards@shopassociation.org.
Entries vie for gold, silver and bronze honors in their respective categories and divisions. In addition, all gold winners are eligible for the “Display of the Year,” which represents the highest recognition the industry can bestow upon an at-retail display.
Questions about the OMA Awards?
Email omaawards@shopassociation.org.
To verify your membership status, contact
Dina Meindl, dina@shopassociation.org.